Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Fiction

I rediscovered a blog that we used for a few prompts at Two Good Things: The One-Minute Writer. And I've decided to start doing the Friday Fiction prompt each week. And while some of my writing may be inspired by real events or emotions, I will be keeping it fiction.

7/21/09 Edit: I realized that the author of The One-Minute Writer doesn't like people posting the original prompt on their blogs. So the prompt that I used for this piece of fiction is found here.

My hands caressed the dusty treadle sewing machine, and my heart swelled up with memories of my mother’s fondness for it. She had collected sewing machines from all over, had taught many people to sew (including me), and had sewn quilts for each of her children at their marriages and grandchildren at their births. But this machine had been special to her because she had inherited it from her mother. And now it was mine. Could I get it running again?

1 comment:

Alanna said...

I like it! : D It deserves to be finished. and it sounds like some of the really amazing juvenile fiction books that my dad listens to on cassette.