This last weekend, Dave and I hiked Squaw Peak. I've wanted to hike it for a while now, so in one way it was the fulfillment of a dream! But it was also hot, and very buggy! I think that there were so many bugs because of the wet spring that we've had this year.
Despite the bugs and heat, Dave and I enjoyed the hike together, and we've planned another hike for ourselves this holiday weekend. I love that I get the day off of work for Pioneer Day! And the time spent with Dave is the best part! :D

This is what we'll be hiking this Friday: Baldy. I've never hiked it before, and it should be pretty fun. It will likely be hot again, but it will be a good hike, with some new views that I haven't experienced before. Also, I think that I'll bring my camera this time, and get some shots of Dave and I hiking. It's been a while since we've taken pictures!
Merry a co worker of mine has been hiking to the top of timp at night and watching the sunrise. I think I might do that next week. You start at like 9 pm and go up get to the top and eat breakfast and come down. He said it is amazing. It would be mid week, probably on a Tues night. You and Dave should come and do this with me. Let me know
I always wanted to go up the peak but never got the chance. We did hike up Timp one time early in the morning and met a lot of those "sunrise" hikers coming back down and they all talked about how cool it was. I sure miss the mountains.
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